Leadership Team

Left to right: Darlene Link (Secretary), Ann Mohr (Membership), Kathy Ripple (Treasurer), Ann Baughman (President), Greg Andresen (Vice President), Nadine Schwarz (Programs), Tom Schwarz (Director), Jan Sebastian (Chaplain), Mark Wall (Director), Susan Day (Tail Twister), and Barb Storm (Director).
Missing from the picture are Scott LaPlante (Marketing), Judi Sarafin (Service), Judy Kirby (LCIF), Karen Schmidtt (Director), Al Mohr, (Lion Tamer), and Jeff Harris (Director).
Each member of the leadership team serves for a term of one year and they are tasked with the organizational and financial management of our local club. Members of the leadership team are nominated and elected to their position by club members who have recognized their commitment to Lions Club and its goals, and also their dedication to uphold their oath as a Lion.