Press Releases and Letters to the Editor

Drive-Thru Hometown Holiday’ Showed Spirit of our Community
Posted Wednesday, December 16, 2020 9:22 am
The last nine months have been challenging for everyone, including the Eldridge-North Scott Chamber of Commerce.
As we considered our annual Hometown Holiday event, the Chamber felt that this event is extremely valuable to the community, our local businesses, and the North Scott Food Pantry. We needed to figure a way to modify it to fit the new parameters of life that COVID has imposed on us.
Thus, “Drive-Thru Hometown Holiday” was born. Our goals were simple: to encourage residents to shop locally this holiday season, to secure donations for our local food pantry, and to provide a bit of normalcy and holiday cheer for the North Scott area. With the support and hard work of several of our local chamber member businesses and volunteers, we did just that!
We were overwhelmed with the turnout at our Drive Thru Hometown Holiday! We didn’t know what to expect for attendance, but our amazing community showed up and exceeded our expectations by so much! We had over 1,100 people attend, and because we were not prepared for such an incredible showing, we relied on our volunteers to step up and make sure that everyone still got to experience the event.
Each volunteer scrambled to accommodate the numbers. The Scott County Library, the Eldridge Volunteer Fire Department, the Eldridge Lions Club, Happy Joe’s, the City of Eldridge, the North Scott FFA, and the Eldridge Police Department worked so hard and we are so grateful for their generous hearts and sense of community.
Despite long waits to go through, we received so many positive comments regarding the event. We thank everyone that came to our “Drive Thru Hometown Holiday” and we especially thank you for your patience and understanding as we tried something new and different, and something to try to keep people safe while providing a bit of holiday joy and entertainment.
Thank you, Eldridge, for being so supportive of us and of our local businesses!
Tabbitha Kramer, Executive DirectorEldridge-North Scott Chamber of Commerce
Lions Club Keeps New Bike Trail Beautiful
Posted Wednesday, December 16, 2020 9:32 am
I offer “a rose” to the Eldridge Lions Club for their work in cleaning up litter along the Eldridge bike path on Wednesday. What a pleasant surprise to find approximately 20 or so Eldridge Lions Club members busily picking up trash along the new section of the bike path next to First Street! It looks great. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We really enjoy riding the new section of the bike path whenever the weather permits. Give it a go, if you haven’t already. It is a wonderful addition to our community. I am glad that we have a great service organization like the Lions showing pride in our city spaces, and I am happy to call Eldridge home.
Joan Hennigan
Thank You for the Drive-by Parade
Posted Wednesday, October 7, 2020 9:06 am
Roses, roses, roses! Thank you to Bobbie Noel-Behrens and her family for a farewell drive-by parade on Sept. 17 for us to say goodbye to the North Scott community, our home for the last 51 years. Our records show you represented Faith Lutheran Church Food Pantry, Scott County Library, the former Eldridge Cooperative, Lions Club and neighbors in Long Grove and Eldridge.
A special thanks to Chuck Sherwood, American Legion No. 639, who stopped the parade to salute a fellow veteran. As we say goodbye to our first-born son,Terry, “We will be back.”
Lancer fans,
Lorenz and Marian Behrens, Marty and Susan
Grateful We Chose to Move to Eldridge
Posted Wednesday, September 23, 2020 9:28 am
I often think of writing a letter to the editor, thanking my awesome neighbors for help after a storm, or the Eldridge Lions Club for beautifying a stretch of LeClaire Road, or city workers for always answering my questions and doing a great job. And there are so many other situations where I’m so thankful.
It was time to write a letter of thanks this week, though. Earlier this week, while out on a walk, I lost my driver’s license out of my pocket. I retraced my steps, but couldn’t find it. Yesterday I came home to find an envelope with a note “found by Grand Haven!!” and my license inside. There was no information telling me who found it, but my heartfelt thanks to the person who found it and took the time to return it!
I’m always so grateful that we chose to move to Eldridge so many years ago. It’s a great community.
Judi Sarafin
Lions Club Makes Eldridge Beautiful
Posted Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:29 am
I wish to thank the Eldridge Lions and the Moonlight Chase for supplying the money for the Eldridge Lions’ beautification project. The Eldridge Lions have been planting and maintaining the six eastern flower beds along LeClaire Road, near Highway 61, for many years.
This year I wish to thank and acknowledge my fellow Eldridge Lions. Thanks to Alan Mohr, Merlyn Frick, Jim Gruber, Becky Wall, Karen O’Flahrity, Jeanne Frick, Nadine Schwarz and Judy Sarafin for all their help making this project possible. Additional thanks to the city of Eldridge for mulching and watering as needed.
Nancy Gruber
Thanks, North Scott, for Your Support
Posted Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:59 am
Last year at this time I had a young man join my special needs classroom who I was trying to figure out how I would meet his needs and provide him with home-bound instruction for 5-6 months of the school year.
The North Scott Press did an article about the Double Robot that I was trying out with him that belonged to the AEA. At that time I started to entertain the idea of writing some grants and getting the word out to local organizations to help fund a Double Robot so that his learning could continue.
I wanted to say that I am proud to work in the North Scott School District and appreciate the support we get from our community. I am happy to say that through donations from the St. Ann’s Knights of Columbus and the Lions Club I was able to purchase the Double Robot.
Then Molly Bergfeld and Kim Ranson were able to write grants through John Deere, and April Rus helped get some money through the North Scott Community Enhancement, and I was able to purchase an iPad that goes with the robot.
I am already using the robot this year with great success! I did write a SCRA grant that I found out we were awarded in late May, so now a second Double Robot has been purchased and is already being used at the high school for a student who can’t attend school due to a medical need.
Thank you, North Scott, for your support.
Jodie Brotherton
Eldridge Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
Posted Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:13 am
The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank North Scott Foods for their support of this year’s Summer Pancake Breakfast. Also, we would like to thank Grille 350/Happy Joes for the use of their facilities and their donation of two children’s bicycles and helmets. The Eldridge Lions would also like to express our appreciation to those who came out Saturday July 13th for the breakfast. Your support and generosity will help fund Lions Club projects in the North Scott community and beyond. Thank you for your support,
Lee Westendorf and Scott LaPlante
Breakfast Co-Chairs
Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
Posted Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:52 am
The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank North Scott Foods for their support of this year’s Spring Pancake Breakfast. Also, we would like to thank Grille 350/Happy Joe’s for the use of their facilities and their donation of two children’s bicycles and helmets.
The Eldridge Lions would also like to express our appreciation to those who came out Saturday, April 6th for the breakfast. Your support and generosity will help fund Lions Club projects in the North Scott community and beyond. Thank you for your support. Breakfast Co-Chairs,
Lee Westendorf, Scott LaPlante, and Dan Ferry
National Night Out a ‘WOW!’
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2018 1:39 pm
If I had to sum up our National Night Out remembrance chain event on last Tuesday evening with only one word it would be, “WOW”! The turnout of people who participated in the event was estimated at over 2,000 despite the weather which had just produced a downpour of rain in Eldridge.
Mayor Marty O’Boyle and I rode a bus from Sheridan Meadows Park all the way up to Long Grove and we were both amazed at the amount of people that had lined the bike path to take part in this nationwide night of camaraderie with law enforcement, as well as our North Scott night of remembrance of our students we have lost. It was emotional to see so many people united for our cause. We live in a great community and when you really look at the word community, you will find unity.
It was heartwarming to see the bike path lined up with our elders, our toddlers and every age in between. The many organizations were identified by their matching shirts, the sports teams and cheerleaders in their uniforms, and the tsunami of parents in their North Scott t-shirts forming a sea of humanity. They all came out in unity to show the families of those we have lost that this community mourns with you, each of us in our own way. But we also stand with you and though we grieve, we also celebrate those lives that touched so many hearts in this community. This was evident by the many emotional messages that I read which were written in chalk up and down the bike path. Although the evening was short the memory of it will last for a very long time.
I would like to thank the many organizations and individuals who supported us in our efforts. This was truly a result of great teamwork. A special thank you to April Rus and the North Scott Community Enhancement Project, Scott County Sheriff’s Office, Eldridge Police Department, Eldridge and Long Grove Fire Departments, Eldridge and Long Grove Public Works, Eldridge and Long Grove Lions Clubs, North Scott Optimist Club, North Scott School District, North Scott Press, Quad City Times, Integrated Solutions, White Roofing Company, Mayor O’Boyle, Pat and Lora Dierickx, Dale and Jill Grunwald, Joe Zrostlik, my wife Patricia, and everyone who participated in making this a successful event. I would also like to thank Tri City Drone Services for their donation of time and effort in the filming and creating the video.
I am proud to be a part of such a great community. Several people have stated that they were glad to have participated in the event and would like to see us do it again. We are already thinking about next year. Great events such as the Bix 7, RAGBRAI, Floatzilla, and even Tug Fest all started out as a simple idea, but have since blossomed into the events that they are today. It is not my intention to compare the events, but rather to show that we can build on the foundation of our own North Scott event. The sky is our limit.
Michael Limberg
Lions’ Pancake Breakfast a Success
Posted Wednesday, August 1, 2018 8:37 am
On behalf of the Eldridge Lions Club, we want to extend a sincere thank you to 350 Grille for hosting the Summer Pancake breakfast, North Scott Foods and Steve Grolmus, and the patrons of 350 Grille for donating the bikes and helmets.
Lee Westendorf, Dan Ferry, and Darlene Link
Roses for Making Eldridge Beautiful
Posted Wednesday, May 23, 2018 8:55 am
Three roses: 1) Alan Mohr, who has planted the “floral flag” at the Legion Memorial at the corner of Donahue and West Fourth Street in Eldridge; 2) the many Lions members who beautified East LeClaire Road; and 3) Ron Meyer and the Kiwanis who keep the intersection of First and LeClaire looking great year around, summer, and the Christmas season.
Lorenz and Marian Behrens
Support of Lions Club Breakfast Appreciated
Posted Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:00 am
The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank the following businesses for their support of this year’s spring breakfast: Steve Grolmus, North Scott Foods, and Kirby White, Anderson Erickson Dairy. A special thanks to Grille 350/Happy Joe’s for the use of their facilities and the donation of two children’s bicycles.
The Eldridge Lions would also like to thank those who came out Saturday, April 14 for the breakfast. Your support and generosity will help fund Lions Club projects in the North Scott community.
With our appreciation. Breakfast Co-Chairs
Lee Westendorf, Barb Storm, and Dan Ferry
Reflections on Hometown Holiday
Posted Wednesday, December 13, 2017 3:00 am
A week has gone by since our annual Hometown Holiday and each day people continue to flood me with gratitude for a wonderful event. It goes without saying that Christmas is my favorite time of year. Lights, trees, holiday music, gifting, the taste and smells of goodies, traditions old and new, time spent with loved ones, and celebrating our dear Savior’s birth. Definitely a season for memories!
Hometown Holiday is a fun way to get into the holiday spirit, and it certainly would not be possible without the many volunteers, the support from local businesses, service groups, and many more.
On behalf of the Eldridge-North Scott Chamber I’d like to personally thank the city of Eldridge for allowing us to close down the streets, especially less than 24 hours after they were reopened! Thank you to Greg Shaapveld at Shive-Hattery and the construction crew for a job well done.
Thank you to the Hometown Holiday committee – Brenda Drummond, Tricia Campbell, Wendy Henzen, Marilee Schafer, Sue Oetzmann, Connie Braet, Renee Ward, Dorothy Kuehl, and Lori O’Day – for the countless hours of planning and preparing to pull this event together.
Thank you to Tyler Schmidt and the Eldridge Volunteer Fire Department for accommodating our many needs in the station, to Jacob Hunter and the FFA for working the entire event from set up to tear down, and to Brian Wessel and the city crew always willing to place barricades and help where needed.
Thank you to our event sponsors, First Central State Bank, Central Scott Telephone, American Family Insurance, Amhof Trucking, Ameriprise Financial, DuTrac Community Credit Union, Eldridge Spine and Wellness, Link Family Dentistry, Mediacom, North Scott Foods, U.S. Bank, American Mutual Insurance, Big Bear Insulation, Chiropractic Care Center, Classic Concepts Dentistry, King’s Material, Premier Locations U.S Cellular, and Ryerson.
Thank you to the other participating business and service groups for your support and taking part in the evening: River Valley Coop, Eldridge Lions Club, Scott County Library Bookmobile, Gerard Chiropractic, Mike’s Floorpro, Backwards Yoga, First American State Bank, Maloney’s Pub, Epkes Clock Repair, Eastern Iowa Baking Co., USPS, Nutrition Complete, Lookin’ Sharp Barber Shop, CJ’s Family Hair Salon, The North Scott Press, North Scott Optimist Club, Al & Gerry’s, New American Funding, Chambers Funeral Home, Eldridge Community Center/Skatepark, del Ray Tanning Salon, and Mark’s Place Photography.
Without the sponsors and business participation this free event would not be possible. Thank you to Tricia Campbell and Bo Robertson (JR Robertson Construction) for your help in decorating the trees in Wiese Park.
Thank you to Lora Dierickx for your help on every level, and to my family for the patience, love, and support! My sincere apologies if I left anyone out, as you can see the list is very long for those who contribute!
I can’t help but be filled with overwhelming gratitude to everyone for bringing the spirit of the season to downtown Eldridge, and feel so fortunate to live and work in this wonderful community! May your hearts be filled with peace, joy, and many blessing this holiday season – Wishes for a very Merry Christmas!
Nikki Dillon
Eldridge-North Scott Chamber
A Successful Event for the Lions
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2017 8:00 am
The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank the following businesses for their support of a successful Lions Club Summer Festival breakfast: Steve Grolmus and North Scott Foods, Kirby White and Anderson Erickson Dairy. A special thanks to Grille 350/Happy Joe’s for the use of their facilities and for the donation of two children’s bicycles for the raffle.
The Lions would also like to thank those who came out Saturday July 8th for the breakfast. Your support and generosity will help fund Lions Club projects in the North Scott community.
Breakfast Co-Chairs,
Sue Day, Lynda Miller and Dan Ferry
Flowers are More Beautiful Each Day
Posted Wednesday, July 5, 2017 9:00 am
Again, members of the Eldridge Lions Club have planted flowers on LeClaire Road near Cornerstone church. They are becoming more beautiful each day. Thank you to those hard working Lions members.
Marian Behrens
Lions Club Likes Support
Posted Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:00 am
The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank the following businesses for their generosity in making the Spring Pancake Breakfast a great success: Happy Joe’s and 350 Grille for the use of their facilities and donation of two children’s bikes; Kirby White, Anderson Erickson Dairy; and Steve Grolmus, North Scott Foods.
To the many supporters of this event, we thank you and want you to know the money raised will support our various projects in the North Scott community.
With our appreciation, co-chairs:
Lynda Miller, Sue Day, and Darlene Link
Great Job by Eldridge Lions Club!
Posted Wednesday, September 14, 2016 3:00 am
Thanks to several Eldridge Lions’ Club members, we can all enjoy six beautiful flower beds on East LeClaire Road in Eldridge across from Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Great job!
Marian Behrens
Breakfast Supports Student Scholarships
“The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank the following businesses for their generosity in making the Easter Pancake Breakfast a great success …”
Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2015 8:00 am
The Eldridge Lions Club would like to thank the following businesses for their generosity in making the Easter Pancake Breakfast a great success: Happy Joe’s and Grille 350 for the use of their facilities and donation of two children’s bikes; Kirby White, Anderson Erickson Dairy; and Steve Grolmus, North Scott Foods.
To the many supporters of this event, we thank you and want you to know the money raised will support our scholarship program for North Scott High School students.
With our appreciation,
Virginia Solis and Gene Weyant
Schools will have Buddy Benches
“The Buddy Bench, a brainchild of a Pennsylvania second-grade student, will bring attention to a student’s emotional needs and serve as a visual reminder of North Scott’s anti-bullying efforts …”
Posted Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:00 am
Thanks to donations from Swiss Valley Farms, North Scott Kiwanis and the Eldridge Lions Club, North Scott schools will purchase Buddy Benches for all five of our elementary playgrounds. The Buddy Bench, a brainchild of a Pennsylvania second-grade student, will bring attention to a student’s emotional needs and serve as a visual reminder of North Scott’s anti-bullying efforts.
A total of $2926.60 was contributed to this make this possible. Julie Hoeger, Edward White paraprofessional and playground supervisor, spearheaded this project.
John Langenhan, Principal
Edward White Elementary School
Cooperative Relations for a Common Cause
“I wanted to thank you for the excellent article that you put with my picture …”
Posted Wednesday, July 9, 2014 4:00 am
I wanted to thank you for the excellent article that you put with my picture (“Cooperative relations for a common cause,” Impressions, June 18). It really went right to the point for all our organizations.
Thank you again for your very good coverage of the Eldridge Lions.
Art Matje